
last update: 2024/04

第7章: USB-Hostインターフェース
評価ボード:Renesas EK-RX671


Demo Sample Application Folder:

 └ _Exclude
     ├ USBH  ..... USB Host各種クラス機能のデモサンプル
USBH_FT232_StartFTDI FT232クラスドライバのデモサンプル


 |- BSP_USB.c  .......... ボード依存の初期化設定ファイル(USB-HOST)
 |- Setup
     |- USBH_Config_Renesas_EK_RX671.c
                     .......... USB-HOSTドライバ設定ファイル

 |- USBH_Conf.h  ............... コンフィグレーション設定ファイル
 |- IO
 |   |- USBH_ConfigIO.c  ....... デバッグコンソールIOインターフェース設定ファイル
 |- OS
     |- USBH_OS_uITRON_Config.c  ........... OSリソースID設定ファイル
     |- libRI600V4_OSLayer_RXv3_L.lib  ..... OSインターフェース設定ファイル







  1. 「\BSP\Setup\FS_ConfigMMC_CM_EK_RX671.c」ファイルを「ビルド対象外」に設定します。又は「\BSP\Setup\_Exclude」フォルダ下に移動します。
  2. 「\BSP\Setup\_Exclude」フォルダ下の「FS_USBH_MSDConfig.c」ファイルをビルド対象設定の「\BSP\Setup」フォルダ下にコピーします。又は「FS_USBH_MSDConfig.c」ファイルのをビルド対象に設定します。

J29 USBポートのホストモード設定:

usbh setting

評価ボードのジャンパー設定でJ29 USBポートをHOSTモードに変更します。

  • J30:Jumper on pins 2-3
  • J31:Jumper on pins 1-2
  • J32:Open


(クラス情報の確認)Sample: USBH_CreateInterfaceList


Debug IO Console:

SEGGER Software Evaluation Sample
Eval Board: EK-RX671
Base: Renesas RI600V4 RTOS
0:021 INIT: emUSB-Host Init started. Version 2.36.6
0:029 INIT: *********************************************************************
0:104 INIT: *                       emUSB-Host Configuration                    *
0:117 INIT: *********************************************************************
0:130 INIT: * External hubs are ALLOWED
0:136 INIT: * Time before communicating with a newly connected device: 300 ms
0:232 INIT: *********************************************************************
0:245 INIT: Init completed
0:250 INIT: Enumeration of devices enabled
0:257 INIT: USBH_Task started
0:362 INIT: USBH_ISRTask started
45:139 APP: **** Device added [1]

45:211 APP: **** Device information for interface with ID 1
45:220 APP:    Device ID: 1
45:224 APP:    Vendor ID: 0x05A7
45:230 APP:    Product ID: 0x40FE
45:236 APP:    BCD device version: 0x100
45:242 APP:    Interface number: 0
45:248 APP:    Device class: 0x3
45:253 APP:    Device subclass: 0x0
45:259 APP:    Device protocol: 0x0
45:265 APP:    Number of open handles: 0
45:271 APP:    Exclusive state: 0
45:344 APP:    Speed: FullSpeed
45:350 APP:    Manufacturer name: Bose Corporation
45:359 APP:    Product name: Bose QuietComfort 35
45:368 APP:    Serial number: 072546Z70983573AE
45:376 APP:       connected to port 1 of controller 0
60:907 APP: **** Device removed [1]

60:938 APP: No devices found.
84:175 APP: **** Device added [2]

84:273 APP: **** Device information for interface with ID 2
84:282 APP:    Device ID: 2
84:286 APP:    Vendor ID: 0x0781
84:292 APP:    Product ID: 0x55A8
84:297 APP:    BCD device version: 0x111
84:304 APP:    Interface number: 0
84:309 APP:    Device class: 0x8
84:348 APP:    Device subclass: 0x6
84:354 APP:    Device protocol: 0x50
84:360 APP:    Number of open handles: 0
84:366 APP:    Exclusive state: 0
84:371 APP:    Speed: FullSpeed
84:378 APP:    Manufacturer name: SanDisk
84:385 APP:    Product name: Extreme SSD
84:459 APP:    Serial number: 313934364535343030353232
84:468 APP:       connected to port 1 of controller 0
91:727 APP: **** Device removed [2]

91:748 APP: No devices found.

(MSDクラス)Sample: USBH_MSD_Start


Debug IO Console:

SEGGER Software Evaluation Sample
Eval Board: EK-RX671
Base: Renesas RI600V4 RTOS
0:021 INIT: emUSB-Host Init started. Version 2.36.6
0:029 INIT: *********************************************************************
0:105 INIT: *                       emUSB-Host Configuration                    *
0:118 INIT: *********************************************************************
0:131 INIT: * External hubs are ALLOWED
0:138 INIT: * Time before communicating with a newly connected device: 300 ms
0:232 INIT: *********************************************************************
0:245 INIT: Init completed
0:250 INIT: Enumeration of devices enabled
0:257 INIT: USBH_Task started
0:261 INIT: USBH_ISRTask started
1:268 APP: **** Device added [0]
1:273 APP: The following device was detected:

1:280 APP: VendorId:           0x0411
1:286 APP: ProductId:          0x023A
1:292 APP: VendorName:         BUFFALO 
1:299 APP: ProductName:        USB Flash Disk  
1:306 APP: Revision:           1.00
1:334 APP: NumSectors:         60566016
1:340 APP: BytesPerSector:     512
1:346 APP: TotalSize:          29573 MByte
1:353 APP: HighspeedCapable:   No
1:358 APP: ConnectedToRootHub: Yes
1:363 APP: SelfPowered:        No
1:369 APP: Reported Imax:      150 mA
1:442 APP: Connected to Port:  1
1:447 APP: PortSpeed:          FullSpeed

1:454 APP: Checking whether the volume is formatted...
2:875 APP: Running sample on volume "msd:0:" DevIndex 0, LUN 0
2:886 APP: Reading volume information...
2:893 APP: **** Volume information for msd:0:
2:900 APP:    30270720 KBytes total disk space
2:908 APP:    30181248 KBytes available free space
2:916 APP:    32768 bytes per cluster
2:922 APP:    945960 clusters available on volume
2:934 APP:    943164 free cluster available on volume
2:943 APP: Creating file msd:0:\TestFile.txt...
2:968 APP: Ok
2:970 APP: Contents of msd:0: 
2:975 APP:        Attributes: A--- Size: 0
2:982 APP: TestFile.txt       Attributes: A--- Size: 280
2:994 APP: Firmware.old (Dir) Attributes: ---- Size: 0
3:003 APP: Firmware (Dir) Attributes: ---- Size: 0
3:011 APP: **** Unmount ****

(HIDクラス)Sample: USBH_HID_Start

操作手順:プログラム起動してUSBポートにHID マウス又はキーボードデバイスを挿入します。キーボード・マウス操作のレスポンスをログコンソールから確認します。

Debug IO Console:

SEGGER Software Evaluation Sample
Eval Board: EK-RX671
Base: Renesas RI600V4 RTOS
0:021 INIT: emUSB-Host Init started. Version 2.36.6
0:029 INIT: *********************************************************************
0:103 INIT: *                       emUSB-Host Configuration                    *
0:116 INIT: *********************************************************************
0:129 INIT: * External hubs are ALLOWED
0:135 INIT: * Time before communicating with a newly connected device: 300 ms
0:214 INIT: *********************************************************************
0:227 INIT: Init completed
0:232 INIT: Enumeration of devices enabled
0:238 INIT: USBH_Task started
0:344 INIT: USBH_ISRTask started
1:275 APP: **** Device added [0]
6:804 APP: Mouse: xRel: 1, yRel: 0, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0
6:823 APP: Mouse: xRel: 2, yRel: 1, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0
6:834 APP: Mouse: xRel: 2, yRel: 2, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0
6:853 APP: Mouse: xRel: 1, yRel: 2, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0
6:865 APP: Mouse: xRel: 2, yRel: 2, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0
6:876 APP: Mouse: xRel: 0, yRel: 1, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0
6:887 APP: Mouse: xRel: 2, yRel: 6, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0
6:898 APP: Mouse: xRel: 2, yRel: 8, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0
6:948 APP: Mouse: xRel: 7, yRel: 39, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0
6:959 APP: Mouse: xRel: 1, yRel: 1, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0
6:971 APP: Mouse: xRel: 1, yRel: 2, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0
6:982 APP: Mouse: xRel: 3, yRel: 3, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0
7:001 APP: Mouse: xRel: 2, yRel: 2, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0
7:012 APP: Mouse: xRel: 1, yRel: 1, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0
7:078 APP: Mouse: xRel: 4, yRel: 0, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0
7:089 APP: Mouse: xRel: 1, yRel: -1, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0
7:108 APP: Mouse: xRel: 1, yRel: -1, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0
7:173 APP: Mouse: xRel: -1, yRel: 4, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0
7:185 APP: Mouse: xRel: -4, yRel: 11, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0
7:196 APP: Mouse: xRel: -4, yRel: 14, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0
7:207 APP: Mouse: xRel: -5, yRel: 13, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0
7:218 APP: Mouse: xRel: -5, yRel: 11, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0
7:295 APP: Mouse: xRel: -9, yRel: 17, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0
7:496 APP: Mouse: xRel: -1, yRel: -1, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0
7:516 APP: Mouse: xRel: -4, yRel: -4, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0
7:527 APP: Mouse: xRel: -1, yRel: -1, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0
7:538 APP: Mouse: xRel: -7, yRel: -4, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0
7:549 APP: Mouse: xRel: -9, yRel: -3, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0
7:620 APP: Mouse: xRel: -6, yRel: -3, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0
7:957 APP: Mouse: xRel: 1, yRel: -1, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0
8:006 APP: Mouse: xRel: 1, yRel: -1, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0
8:111 APP: Mouse: xRel: 1, yRel: 0, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0
8:136 APP: Mouse: xRel: 1, yRel: 0, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0
8:161 APP: Mouse: xRel: 0, yRel: 0, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 1
8:330 APP: Mouse: xRel: 0, yRel: 0, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0
8:371 APP: Mouse: xRel: 1, yRel: 0, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0
8:398 APP: Mouse: xRel: 1, yRel: -1, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0
8:409 APP: Mouse: xRel: 0, yRel: -1, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0
8:420 APP: Mouse: xRel: 0, yRel: -1, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0
9:413 APP: Mouse: xRel: 0, yRel: 0, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 2
9:598 APP: Mouse: xRel: 0, yRel: 0, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0
10:703 APP: Mouse: xRel: 0, yRel: 0, WheelRel: 1, ButtonState: 0
10:728 APP: Mouse: xRel: 0, yRel: 0, WheelRel: -1, ButtonState: 0
11:113 APP: Mouse: xRel: 0, yRel: 0, WheelRel: 1, ButtonState: 0
11:458 APP: Mouse: xRel: 0, yRel: 0, WheelRel: -1, ButtonState: 0
11:531 APP: Mouse: xRel: 0, yRel: 0, WheelRel: -1, ButtonState: 0
11:644 APP: Mouse: xRel: 0, yRel: -1, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0
11:661 APP: Mouse: xRel: 0, yRel: -2, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0
11:686 APP: Mouse: xRel: 0, yRel: -1, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0
11:759 APP: Mouse: xRel: 0, yRel: -1, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0
11:816 APP: Mouse: xRel: 0, yRel: -1, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0
11:835 APP: Mouse: xRel: 0, yRel: -2, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0
11:854 APP: Mouse: xRel: 0, yRel: -1, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0
11:943 APP: Mouse: xRel: 1, yRel: -2, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0
12:064 APP: Mouse: xRel: 0, yRel: 0, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 2
12:169 APP: Mouse: xRel: 0, yRel: 0, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0
12:274 APP: Mouse: xRel: 0, yRel: 0, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 2
12:363 APP: Mouse: xRel: 0, yRel: 0, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0
12:540 APP: Mouse: xRel: 0, yRel: -2, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0
12:565 APP: Mouse: xRel: 0, yRel: -1, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0
12:670 APP: Mouse: xRel: 0, yRel: -1, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0
12:751 APP: Mouse: xRel: 0, yRel: -1, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0
12:800 APP: Mouse: xRel: 1, yRel: -3, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0
15:801 APP: Mouse: xRel: -1, yRel: 0, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0
16:178 APP: Mouse: xRel: -2, yRel: 0, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0
16:189 APP: Mouse: xRel: -1, yRel: 0, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0
16:206 APP: Mouse: xRel: -3, yRel: 0, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0
16:217 APP: Mouse: xRel: -2, yRel: 0, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0
16:297 APP: Mouse: xRel: -24, yRel: -4, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0
16:309 APP: Mouse: xRel: -2, yRel: 0, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0
16:320 APP: Mouse: xRel: -3, yRel: -1, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0
16:331 APP: Mouse: xRel: -1, yRel: 0, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0
16:406 APP: Mouse: xRel: -48, yRel: -6, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0
17:508 *** Warning *** HID: _SubmitInBuffer: SubmitUrb USBH_STATUS_DEVICE_REMOVED
17:521 APP: **** Device removed [0]

(FTD UARTクラス)Sample: USBH_FT232_Start

操作手順:プログラム起動してUSBポートにFTD UARTチップセットのUSB-UART変換アダプタデバイスを挿入します。UARTポートをパソコンに接続してTeraTermなど起動してCOMポートコンソールを開きます。COMポートコンソールから文字を入力してログコンソールからECHOレスポンスを確認します。

Debug IO Console:

SEGGER Software Evaluation Sample
Eval Board: EK-RX671
Base: Renesas RI600V4 RTOS
0:021 INIT: emUSB-Host Init started. Version 2.36.6
0:029 INIT: *********************************************************************
0:090 INIT: *                       emUSB-Host Configuration                    *
0:103 INIT: *********************************************************************
0:116 INIT: * External hubs are ALLOWED
0:123 INIT: * Time before communicating with a newly connected device: 300 ms
0:203 INIT: *********************************************************************
0:216 INIT: Init completed
0:220 INIT: Enumeration of devices enabled
0:227 INIT: USBH_Task started
0:333 INIT: USBH_ISRTask started
1:181 APP: **** Device added [0]
1:249 APP: Vendor  Id = 0x0403
1:254 APP: Product Id = 0x6001
1:258 APP: bcdDevice  = 0x0400
109:900 APP: Received: "F"
110:095 APP: Received: "T"
111:097 APP: Received: "D"
117:072 APP: Received: "-"
117:435 APP: Received: "T"
117:734 APP: Received: "e"
117:952 APP: Received: "s"
118:107 APP: Received: "t"

(AUDIOクラス)Sample: USBH_AUDIO_Speaker

操作手順:AUDIO SPEAKERデバイスを挿入してプログラムを実行します。スピーカーから音声「It simply works」を確認します。

Debug IO Console:

SEGGER Software Evaluation Sample
Eval Board: EK-RX671
Base: Renesas RI600V4 RTOS
0:021 INIT: emUSB-Host Init started. Version 2.36.6
0:029 INIT: *********************************************************************
0:090 INIT: *                       emUSB-Host Configuration                    *
0:103 INIT: *********************************************************************
0:116 INIT: * External hubs are ALLOWED
0:122 INIT: * Time before communicating with a newly connected device: 300 ms
0:201 INIT: *********************************************************************
0:214 INIT: Init completed
0:219 INIT: Enumeration of devices enabled
0:225 INIT: USBH_Task started
0:331 INIT: USBH_ISRTask started
1:549 APP: **** AUDIO Interface added [0]
1:555 APP: **** AUDIO Interface added [1]
1:562 APP: **** AUDIO Interface added [2]
1:569 APP: AUDIO device:
1:573 APP:   Vendor 0B0E, Product 0420, Version 1.0
1:583 APP:   Prod. : Jabra SPEAK 510 USB
1:589 APP:   Found streaming OUT, Channels=2, Frame=2, Resolution=16
1:650 APP:   Sampling Frequencies:
1:655 APP:       8000 Hz
1:659 APP:      16000 Hz
1:663 APP:      48000 Hz
1:667 APP: Configure Audio device...
1:673 APP: SetAltInterface to 1
1:679 APP: SetSampleFreq to 48000 Hz
1:756 APP: Feature unit 2, Source 1
1:761 APP:   Unmute Unit 2, control 0
1:770 APP:   Get volume unit 2, control 0
1:783 APP:     Volume[0] = FFFFE800, FFFFDC00, 800, 400
1:791 APP:   Set volume to 30 % (E933)
1:806 APP: Feature unit 5, Source 4
1:857 APP:   Unmute Unit 5, control 0
1:864 APP:   Get volume unit 5, control 0
1:878 APP:     Volume[0] = FFFFFA00, FFFFF400, 900, 300
1:886 APP:   Set volume to 30 % (FA4C)
1:903 APP: Open streaming channel
1:908 APP: Playing ....
4:397 APP: End

(AUDIOクラス)Sample: USBH_AUDIO_ScanDevices

操作手順:AUDIO SPEAKERデバイスを挿入してプログラムを実行します。ログコンソールからAUDIOデバイスのスキャン情報を確認します。

Debug IO Console:

SEGGER Software Evaluation Sample
Eval Board: EK-RX671
Base: Renesas RI600V4 RTOS
0:021 INIT: emUSB-Host Init started. Version 2.36.6
0:029 INIT: *********************************************************************
0:100 INIT: *                       emUSB-Host Configuration                    *
0:113 INIT: *********************************************************************
0:126 INIT: * External hubs are ALLOWED
0:132 INIT: * Time before communicating with a newly connected device: 300 ms
0:210 INIT: *********************************************************************
0:223 INIT: Init completed
0:228 INIT: Enumeration of devices enabled
0:235 INIT: USBH_Task started
0:340 INIT: USBH_ISRTask started
1:194 APP: **** AUDIO Interface added [0]
1:201 APP: **** AUDIO Interface added [1]
1:208 APP: **** AUDIO Interface added [2]
1:214 APP: AUDIO control interface found (DevId 1):
1:222 APP:   Vendor 0B0E, Product 0420, Version 1.0
1:231 APP:   Serial: 501AA524ECD3020A00
1:242 APP:   Prod. : Jabra SPEAK 510 USB
1:313 APP:   Input terminal 1
1:318 APP:     Terminal type 101
1:323 APP:   Output terminal 3, Source 2
1:329 APP:     Terminal type 301
1:335 APP:   Input terminal 4
1:339 APP:     Terminal type 201
1:345 APP:   Output terminal 6, Source 7
1:434 APP:     Terminal type 101
1:439 APP:   Feature Unit 2, Source 1
1:445 APP:     Control channel 0, mask = 3
1:459 APP:       Volume: Cur = FFFFE800, Min = FFFFDC00, Max = 800, Res = 400
1:471 APP:     Control channel 1, mask = 0
1:478 APP:     Control channel 2, mask = 0
1:559 APP:   Feature Unit 5, Source 4
1:565 APP:     Control channel 0, mask = 3
1:577 APP:       Volume: Cur = FFFFFA00, Min = FFFFF400, Max = 900, Res = 300
1:589 APP:   Selector Unit 7
1:594 APP:     Input 1 = source unit 5
1:600 APP: AUDIO streaming interface found (DevId 1):
1:671 APP:   Found streaming OUT EP on AltSetting 1
1:679 APP:     Terminal Link 1
1:684 APP:     Channels=2, Frame=2, Resolution=16
1:692 APP:   Sampling Frequencies:
1:698 APP:       8000 Hz
1:702 APP:      16000 Hz
1:773 APP:      48000 Hz
1:777 APP: AUDIO streaming interface found (DevId 1):
1:785 APP:   Found streaming IN EP on AltSetting 1
1:793 APP:     Terminal Link 6
1:798 APP:     Channels=1, Frame=2, Resolution=16
1:806 APP:   Sampling Frequencies:
1:880 APP:      16000 Hz

